Jones Hand

Jones Hand

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hellebore for Me


My Friend Marilyn  gave me this wonderful flower to cheer me up when I was sick last week.My little Virus joined up with another and I then discovered my little Virus was actually Swine Flu! Managed to get Tamiflu for the rest of the family who are asthmatic and showed all the symptoms. They have recovered with remarkable speed.

Poor Me has not and lets just say I am sick of myself and am suffering sewing machine withdrawals.

Heaven forbid at one stage I was actually really worried about living long enough to use my stash. Thankfully I have sufficiently recovered that those thoughts are over!

Could just do with a whole load of energy and would gladly give away this bark of mine!


I am taking things slow. The boys are learning cooking skills and are being very caring. I never normally catch colds etc, it is usually them. All you have to do is catch a couple in succession and Boy!                                                Keep Well everybody. If you are asthmatic and get the Tamiflu quickly enough it makes an amazing difference.

I am going out to say hello to the sewing machine today. Even if I get just a little sewing done or even a little fabric selection :-) Cheers Lynne


Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

Dear Lynne.
Best wishes and a cyber hug ;-). Take care of yourself and don't forget to listen to your body. Give it all the rest it need, I am sure, your family will managed anyway.

Taryn said...

I hope you feel better soon and get the energy back for some fun sewing. I had the bug myself and it was not fun. The bark lasted over a month. Bleah. Get well!