The Decals are if you look closely Stylised Peacocks. A wonderful example of Art Nouveau of the time.
Yes I have drawn the decals and plan to use them as inspiration in a quilt. They are talking to me.
have a great Weekend Cheers Lynne and Rob
I won this book on the Quilt Qua Blog a while ago. I had delayed blogging so that I could read, comment and do justice to a review of this wonderful book written by Mary Kerr.
It is amazing how different quilters with different styles of Quilting and Patchwork could take these Vintage blocks and use them to tell totally different stories. If only their original owners could see how each block could take a different journey under another quilters vision. In some of the quilts it is a challenge to find the original fabric from the original block. In others block or unit structure has been maintained. The original block is not always obvious.
I just loved the book. It would be fascinating to see what a group of friends would do if they had a single block and were issued a challenge to create something from that using the either the block or the original pieces of the block as an influence. Have a Good Weekend all Cheers Lynne